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OrderLineNumstringOrderline number
DateCreatedDateTimeCreation date
PartNumstringProduct ID (PartNumber)
TotalSummdoubleTotal orderline cost
ItemPricedoublePrice for product unit for reseller
CurrencystringCurrency code
OrderStatusintOrderline status. Possible values: 1 - In process, 2 - Error, 3 - Succesfull
EndUserInfoEndUserInfoContractEnd user information
InstallInstructionsstringInstall instructions
FullInstructionsstringInstall instructions
Keys array of OrderKeyContractList of keys
Links array of OrderLinkContractList of links
Files array of OrderFileContractList of files
SubscriptionIdstringThe subscription number that was issued using this order line. Filled only if product - subscription
MontSubscriberIdGuidThe ID of the subscriber to whom the subscription was subscribed using this order line. Filled only if product - subscription
ErrorCodeintError code. Possible values
ErrorTextstringError description