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Download and Update a Price List

Before a partner can sell products (available to the partner depending on the addendum), they need to obtain a list of these products with corresponding prices and system features.

  1. To download the price list, the partner needs to call the GetPriceChanges method (eKey service) with the parameter version = 0.
  2. In response, the method will return the list of all products available for sale.
  3. Always use the GetPriceChanges method (eKey service) with the parameter version = 0
  4. In addition to price and part number, each PriceContract Type element in the result includes various additional information that can impact the order. It must also be stored and used on the partner's side.
  5. We recommend that you update prices at least once per day and immediately before placing an order.


PartNumstringProduct ID (PartNumber)
PricedecimalPurchase price of the product
EndUserPricedecimalRecomended end user price
CurrencyCodestringPurchase price currency code
EndUserCurrencyCodestringEnd user price currency code
FulfillmentTypeintInternal product type. By default = 1 (order result is links with limited lifetime. Another value don't mean anything
LicenseFormRequiredboolNeed to send product licence form
InstantDeliveryboolInstance delivery flag. If True - time to order result = 1-10 minutes (depends on product vendor). False - time to order result = 24 hours
HasVatboolValue-added tax
BlockedboolIs product blocked
MinCountRequiredintMinimal product units for order
MaxCountRequiredintMaximum product units for order
FamilyGroupIdintProduct family group ID
ProductTypeintProduct type. 1 - product, 2 - subscription
ReturnableboolCan product be return to vendor
ExistsInCalcboolCan product be calculated
SubscriptionDurationintSubscription duration measure : 2 - Month, 3 - Year
SubscriptionDurationTypeintSubscription duration type : 2 - Month, 3 - Year