Create a Product Catalogue
You can use the Content service to create a catalogue of products with corresponding descriptions. Using this service to sell keys is not mandatory for resellers.
You don't need to authorize to use most Content service methods.
Common scenario of content retrieval
The customer can use the
GetAvaliableCountries method to retrieve a list of available countries.
In some cases, a single family/product may have different descriptions for different countries. As these products are rare,
the most common country code for all translations is DF (Default). It means that a product with this country
code will have identical translations in all languages regardless of the country, except individual descriptions with a country code different from DF.
The customer can use the
GetDefaultMenu (Content) method to retrieve a category tree
Each tree item in the
MenuElementContract menu has the FamilyGroupIds property with a list of ID's assigned to this category (menu item). The customer can use the price list (where each item has a FamilyID) to calculate which menu items are available for sale (have at least 1 product). Potential algorithm
Then, the customer downloads a description for each available product or family in a desired language using the
GetFamily and
GetProduct (Content) methods
Additional scenario of content retrieval
To avoid requesting descriptions of all available products every time, the customer may only retrieve a list of families/products that have lately been modified in any way.
To do this, use the GetChanges (Content) method. This method uses the last requested content version as input.