Инструменты пользователя

Инструменты сайта

  • ru


Contains information about the subscriber, as well as a list of their profiles from different subscription providers.

List of fields

ActualVersionlongCurrent version of prices in the MONT system
ClearBeforeUpdateboolThe need for the reseller to completely clear the price list before updating
PriceListarray of PriceContractList of changed products
SubscriptionDurationTypeintSubscription duration unit: Day = 1, Month = 2, Year = 3


PartNumstringProduct ID (PartNumber)
PricedecimalPurchase price of the product
EndUserPricedecimalRecomended end user price
CurrencyCodestringPurchase price currency code
EndUserCurrencyCodestringEnd user price currency code
FulfillmentTypeintInternal product type. By default = 1 (order result is links with limited lifetime. Another value don't mean anything
LicenseFormRequiredboolNeed to send product licence form
InstantDeliveryboolInstance delivery flag. If True - time to order result = 1-10 minutes (depends on product vendor). False - time to order result = 24 hours
HasVatboolValue-added tax
BlockedboolIs product blocked
MinCountRequiredintMinimal product units for order
MaxCountRequiredintMaximum product units for order
FamilyGroupIdintProduct family group ID
ProductTypeintProduct type. 1 - product, 2 - subscription
ReturnableboolCan product be return to vendor
ExistsInCalcboolCan product be calculated
SubscriptionDurationintSubscription duration measure : 2 - Month, 3 - Year
SubscriptionDurationTypeintSubscription duration type : 2 - Month, 3 - Year