====== GetUserInfoDescriptionFor====== ==== Description ==== To buy certain products, end user information needs to be passed to the manufacturer. This method can be used to get description of the form to be filled out by user when buying products indicated in input parameters. ==== Parameters ==== ^Name^Type^Description^ |langCode|string|Code of language to be used for description| |partNums|array of string|List of part numbers requiring a license form| ==== Return value ==== ^Type^Description^ |array of [[en:apiv2:types:enduserinfodescriptioncontract|EndUserInfoDescriptionContract]]|List where each value describes a fill out rule for a single field of the license form| ==== Sample requests and replies for GetUserInfoDescriptionFor ==== {{section>blocks:forms:not_use_example#en&noheader}} {{section>blocks:method:GetUserInfoDescriptionFor:sample&noheader}} ---- [[en:content:examples:php_code|Sample scripts on PHP]] [[en:apiv2:start:soapuiexamples|Example of running REST and SOAP requests]] {{tag>method esd}}