====== CheckEndUserInfo ====== ==== Description ==== This method is used to check whether the license form for the product to be purchased is filled out correctly. The method returns a list of fields fill out rules. Rules containing errors will be marked with the HasError flag, and custom error text will be displayed in the ErrorText field. The IsError root flag of the reply contract is TRUE only if the web-service is out of operation. This flag does not indicate if there are errors in the checked license form. ==== Parameters ==== ^Name^Type^Description^ |endUserInfo|array of [[ru:apiv2:types:EndUserInfoContract|EndUserInfoContract]]|Filled out license form. You can obtain fillout rules using the following method: [[en:apiv2:methods:GetUserInfoDescriptionFor|]]| |langCode|string|Code of license form description language (for example, RU)| |partNum|string|Part number of the product to be purchased with the license form| ==== Return value ==== ^Type^Description^ |array of [[en:apiv2:types:enduserinfodescriptioncontract|EndUserInfoDescriptionContract]]|License form fillout errors.| ==== Sample requests and replies for CheckEndUserInfo method ==== {{section>blocks:method:CheckEndUserInfo:sample&noheader}} ---- [[en:content:examples:php_code|Sample scripts on PHP]] [[en:apiv2:start:soapuiexamples|Example of running REST and SOAP requests]] {{tag>method esd}}