====== AddReserve====== ===== Description ===== The method is used to place a reserve in the MontWebstore system. The input object contains the phone number of the end user, to which the keys will be sent, the list of reserve lines. Each line corresponds to one ordered item. It describes: * Product ID (Partnumber); * Quantity; * Completed licence form with end user data; * End user price ==== Extra information ==== In the DomainPrefix field, you can specify code, which describes< for example, branch office. When creating orders on the side of Webstore, order numbers will include this prefix by the rule: DomainPrefix + "-Reserve" + Reserve_number ===== Restrictions ====== * With that method can't place reserve on subscriptions ===== Input parameters ===== ==== OrderReserveContract ==== {{section>ru:apiv2:types:orderreservecontract#Список полей (EN)&noheader}} ===== Return value ===== All replies of web services B2BServiceV2Xml.svc and B2BServiceV2.svc are wrapped in a contract type (the contract contains information about the violations in the operation of the web service, as well as the response of the called method inside the tag.): {{section>ru:apiv2:types:baseresponse#Шаблон&noheader}} {{section>ru:apiv2:types:orderreserveresultcontract#Список полей (EN)&noheader}} ===== Errors ===== {{section>ru:apiv2:methods:addreserve:errors#EN&noheader}} ===== Examples ===== ==== XmlOverHttp request without license form example ==== {{section>ru:apiv2:methods:addreserve:example#Запрос XmlOverHttp без лицензионной формы&noheader}} ==== XmlOverHttp response (without license form) example ==== {{section>ru:apiv2:methods:addreserve:example#Ответ XmlOverHttp без лицензионной формы&noheader}} ==== XmlOverHttp request with license form example ==== {{section>ru:apiv2:methods:addreserve:example#Запрос XmlOverHttp с лицензионной формой&noheader}} ==== XmlOverHttp response (with license form) example ==== {{section>ru:apiv2:methods:addreserve:example#Ответ XmlOverHttp с лицензионной формой&noheader}} ==== SOAP request without license form ==== {{section>ru:apiv2:methods:addreserve:example#Запрос SOAP без лицензионной формы&noheader}} ==== SOAP response without license form ==== {{section>ru:apiv2:methods:addreserve:example#Ответ SOAP (без лицензионной формы)&noheader}} ==== SOAP request with license form ==== {{section>ru:apiv2:methods:addreserve:example#Запрос SOAP (с лицензионной формой)&noheader}} ==== SOAP response with license form ==== {{section>ru:apiv2:methods:addreserve:example#Ответ SOAP (с лицензионной формой)&noheader}} {{tag>external_api_v2 method add_reserve reserved_orders ru}}