====== errors AddOrder ====== ^Код^Текст ошибки^ |2|Product not found| |4|Order with that number (order line) is already exists in the MONT system| |6|Credit limit exceeded| |8|Order line number field is not specified| |10|Product is blocked| |12|The license form has not been specified| |16|Reseller is blocked| |17|Quantity is incorrect| |25|Invalid format for the order line number. For Microsoft products, the line number must not exceed 32 characters.| |61|Subscription not yet activated| |71|Order number field is not set| |72|There are no order lines in the order| |75|Subscriber with the specified code was not found| |76|Subscriber with the specified code was not activated| |87|No subscriber specified for a subscription| |101|Internal server error| |200|Incorrect EndUserInfo Data| |900|You do not need an activation form for that product| {{tag>external_api_v2 add_order errors}}