====== Standard Scheme ======
==== Description ====
This trading scheme can be used to place orders on multiple products at once. When placing an order, the partner must pass the unique order number and a list of order lines as input parameters. Each line needs to contain a part number of the ordered item, desired quantity, and order line number (which is also unique compared to all user's order lines in the MONT system). We recommend the following approach to generating order numbers:
Assume an order has been placed in the partner's system for 2 products: abc-11111 and 6qr-00006. The system assigned a unique number to the order, for example KEYS-00004280. In this case, when the order is placed in the MONT system, the partner's number is used as it exists in the system (KEYS-00004280), and KEYS-00004280-N number is assigned to each line where N is order line sequential number.
When designing their proprietary system, the partner needs to remember that keys/links/files ordered via ESD cannot be returned and an order cannot be canceled after placement. Therefore, we recommend that you place an order in the MONT system only after the end users effects a payment. The need to follow this recommendation depends on the partner's business processes.
==== System operation procedure ====
- [[en:apiv2:methods:getpricechanges | GetPriceChanges.]] The partner receives current prices. [[en:apiv2:apiusermanual:commonscenarios:priceimport | Learn more...]]
- [[en:apiv2:methods:getmenu | GetMenu]]. The partner receives a list of product categories for their website data mart. [[en:apiv2:apiusermanual:commonscenarios:buildcatalog |Learn more...]]
- [[en:apiv2:methods:getproduct | GetProduct.]] The partner downloads a description for each product.
- The buyer selects a product to be ordered on the partner's website.
- [[en:apiv2:methods:checklimits | CheckLimits.]] The partner checks their available funds limit. [[en:apiv2:apiusermanual:commonscenarios:checklimitscenario | Learn more...]]
- The partner checks product properties. If the product to be ordered does not require a license form to be filled out, proceed to **step 10**.
- [[en:apiv2:methods:getuserinfodescriptionfor | GetUserInfoDescriptionFor.]] The partner receives license form fill out guidelines for the selected product.
- The buyer fills out the license form following the guidelines describing fields. [[en:apiv2:apiusermanual:commonscenarios:licforms | Learn more..]]
- [[en:apiv2:methods:checkenduserinfo | CheckEndUserInfo.]] The partner checks whether the license form is filled out correctly.
- [[en:apiv2:methods:addorder:summary_page | AddOrder.]] The partner adds the order to the MONT system.
- [[en:apiv2:methods:getorder:summary_page | GetOrder.]] The partner regularly requests the placed order until its status chances to Processed Successfully or Error.
++++ Схема |
Some partners who use cash registers ask to send them both the key and the product installation/activation guidelines to be printed on the receipt. [[en:apiv2:apiusermanual:commonscenarios:printinstruction | Learn more...]]
Download instruction {{:files:documentation:classic_scheme.pdf | classic_scheme.pdf }}
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